Summary: Meeting sequel to Dream "Dreams are like really squirm when you create them under control. The life of Mary has become a mess since they appeared vampires. Edward / OC.
Poison "You will the cure, will be the poison "
The All-American Rejects.
My heart was beating so fast it must be a frightening sound in Edward's head, my hands were shaking so fast that I could not control it. But none of that mattered. "I know you're nervous," she murmured in a tone'm stroking my hair - but I promise that everything will be fine.
"Let me know when I go to inject ...
" No hurt, "he said with a wry smile.
"I know. Just ... do not want to see the needle.
"Okay, his fingers stroked my face and enjoyed the temperature of your skin again.
Respiré con intensidad y Edward me miró curioso. Posó una de sus manos sobre mis ojos para hacerme cerrarlos. Inmediatamente sentí un leve pinchazo y el líquido penetrar mi cuerpo. Me pareció escuchar que la aterciopelada voz de Edward me susurraba algo, pero no lo capté, ya estaba sumida en un mundo de sueños.
Era uno de los sueños más raros que había tenido. Podía compararlo con el País de las Maravillas y no parecer loca. Todo era tan colorido, tan extravagante, exótico, que por un momento era el único sitio en el que quería estar.
Al abrir mis ojos, esperé ver las motas de polvo flotando en el espacio. Ansiaba ver los colores ocultos de los objetos, escuchar Edward talking from another room, smell what they cooked two blocks away ... but there was nothing. Everything looked exactly the same as when I closed my eyes. He even seemed dull after a dream so vivid and colorful.
- What happened? I asked, terrified and discovered that my voice was the same as always.
Edward's eyes watched me sadly. Ran a hand through his bronze hair and then settled his fingers on the bridge of his nose.
"I can not do this to you, Mary.
"But ... I want it.
"No ... do not say goodbye to your friends. Never gave a last hug with Carlos. You took a blow to the arm seen Vanessa. There ate a whole ice cream with your sister. Do not want this, Mary.
"I love you," I said through tears began to fall.
"But do not want to stop mourn, eating, laughing, going out to the sunlight. Do not want to leave you. Do not want to stop being human.
"I love you," whispered back my tears dry.
"And I've had, and I have.
- How long? Love means sacrifice. I have to sacrifice some things. I can not have everything, you are what you love most. You're my everything, Edward.
-Love means that both parties are comfortable, I'm comfortable with you and you me. No need to change you in any way, "she smiled bitterly.
- How long? "I repeated.
"I like the wrinkles," he added with another smile and honest eyes shining.
"I do not," I said, wrinkling her mouth.
Edward kissed me stroking my face and hair.
"It's mine," and offering a glass away.
- What does this change?
"When your body is ready, you will stop growing. Develop your gift but you do what you do as a human, with the guarantee that you will not die.
- Will I like Renesmee?
"I think you are more beautiful ... because you already are.
smiled and blushed.
"I'm not willing to stop doing that," said stroking my cheeks burning.
took the cup and without looking at the bottom drank it completely. He had a bitter taste. Edward's venom. The poison that would cure forever. We could be together as much as we wanted and would not leave anything aside.
-do for me more than I do for you.
- I can quote myself? "I said biting my lower lip -. "You give me everything I need only to breathe"
smiled and went to meet his lips. We merge again and I felt this time was forever. I was sure would never love anyone like I loved him.
"I'm glad to hear that," he murmured while kissing.
I love you.
thought and let time decide that these last words, as if carved in stone. Although they were in a better place: in the heart of two lovers.
3 months ...
- You gonna eat that? I asked Vanessa that held half a bar of chocolate in hand.
-You may want to ask.
"I'm asking," I said with a grin.
gave me two squares of chocolate and looked askance.
"Look who's talking, Miss" Someone pays the entry today? "
"You know you love me ...
-Bla bla ... is all I hear ..." I glanced sideways - of course I love you, stupid.
Vanessa gave me a big warm hug and told him squeezing my body as if truth could be lost.
"Besides what the entry was two days ago. Today I'm different. Since I am a college girl.
"I'd forgotten, he showed me the big brown eyes and I stuck out his tongue -. "Said University? -Rio as we entered the large campus.
I smiled to myself and at one point it did outside.
-Removes silly face, "he said pulling me back tongue.
I did not. Because being stupid was another wonderful things about being human. Also human immortality -. I walked, looking around as if everything were really much clearer.
"They came early," Edward murmured Vanessa greeting with a kiss for which she stood on tiptoe. Then he hugged me and gave me a tender kiss on the corner of his mouth. "The University expects
"Oh, and cállala. University speaks like a secret headquarters superhero.
"Maybe it is," whispered Edward - and maybe I suspect the villains.
"Speaking of villains," said Vanessa rolled her eyes.
-Hi guys, Amanda and I felt welcomed by Carlos pressed, smiled and went to hug my friend. There was no fire Amanda departe, departe heat only my best friend.
"Hi Vanessa said in a tone hypocrite.
-called University Carlos said with a huge smile.
-Another one who believes that save the world, "laughed Vanessa.
And walked into the classroom. Towards an uncertain but it seemed perfect. Not because we have all the answers, yet did not know the questions. But we had everyone. Vanessa ran to her boyfriend who was studying there and left us behind. The love of the primer. Carlos
Amanda holding her hand and she smiled. I threw a bad look at the girls who were more than two seconds looking at her boyfriend and knew that controlled his power with us. The love that surpasses all. The love that has no secrets and is willing to do or stop doing something else.
And we were Edward and me. A love that had come without warning and would last until forever. A love that I just had to lie down on your shoulder or thought she loved him for his knowledge. Would not to worry about anything or anyone. We always have each other. And he loved to know that always was true. FIN
OME! My apologies for the delay, I do not know what day Live: S
I hope you enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it, although it is very short and simple, is one of my favorites. Currently there
longfics'll do it, but I have in mind, do not post it here but my other account Red and Purple Bow Tie, and write it to a friend: 3 Will Riley & Victoria (Go now find that this account is published, but I'll do a version new, because that sucks xD) xoxo
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