Summary: Sequel to find Dream "Dreams are like really squirm when you think you have them controlled. Mary's life has become a mess since they appeared vampires. Edward / OC.
Can I have this dance?
"Keep your eyes on mine and let the music guide you"
Can I Have This Dance? - Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.
I was surprised by the speed with which those five weeks had elapsed which had seemed eternal in the calendar. Probably because he had been too busy thinking about Edward, Emily, that my death was near and that perhaps that was what I wanted to happen. I still was not sure if she was ready to consent to Edward I became, and that made me know that he was not. "We're beautiful," said Vanessa throwing a kiss to the mirror.
"Sure," I muttered as I looked.
Vanessa and I had gone to buy our dresses for prom a week ago, just after I was sure that my enemy does not want to kill me. Mine was purple, her, pink. Mine had a big bow that hid my lack of curves. We had smoothed his hair and both as happy pike.
Edward knew he would go to dance that night, but never cleared to go with Emily, I told Carlos, Vanessa, Amanda and I had chosen to go as friends. Did not want to pressure you or make you feel jealous.
Vanessa's dad was in charge of taking us to school to enjoy what would be our last school dance. The time, he was perhaps more quickly than I had wanted and now I feel ready to leave all this world of children involved to keep going to school, now would be an adult, a college student.
We arrived at the school where Emilio and Luis were waiting for us. My eye went straight to see who would be my partner that night, and I could not hide the sigh and blush. Emily walked up to me and took my hand. "You look beautiful
, Mery smiled and went back to blush to give her eyes like forest.
"Thank you, I added you cool lights. Hand in hand
led me into school. The hall where the dance would take place looked beautiful, but nothing compared to Emilio and his gray suit. The white shirt and his perfect eyes looking at me. No, not that soon made me forget Edward. It was just the fact of holding on to humans who remember those moments forever, no matter what decision to take regarding my immortality. Always have in my memory right now and my mouth form a smile, as that decorated my face that day.
- Shall we dance? Emilio asked looking at the track. I nodded, blushing again and returned his hand to mine. The warmth of his skin was so nice that he wanted to dance with him all night.
walked to the track and began a slow song. It was the first time I went to a dance, mine had always been the holiday of reggaeton and salsa. Ever, one where a waltz allow you hug a guy and look at him directly.
remembered that while Emily and I walked into our game to be or not be together, he was a lousy dancer, and I left behind me. Now, he moved with ease.
smiled and blushed. His hand on my waist send a heat wave in my body. I suspected that I had to look like a strawberry in season. He just smiling and captivated with the emerald eyes. Why did you shake the butterflies in my stomach while she was sure to love Edward?
- Did I tell you you're beautiful, Mery?
"Yes," I said. I did not want to
we graduated without you knowing, "he said while accommodating a hair out of place to me.
"It seems that yesterday we played together.
"Yesterday we did, we both never stop playing.
nodded, our games were never children, and seemed healthy and had finally ended.
"I will not graduate without you know I love you, Emily sighed and looked at the floor. His hand touched my chin and made me look. I bit my lower lip and stared at him, was one of the few people who fled the look I -. I want to know what you meant and mean a lot to me, never forget you and I wish that tonight would not end now.
"I want you to know, Mery, who ... will never meet someone like you. Someone willing to take my game and looking to play again. Know that you are a very special girl in my world. And although we go to different places, do not want to forget.
smiled and he did the same. It seemed like the classic moment when a kiss seal the words so as not to escape. It was time to get close to her lips and once again enjoy the warmth. 'd just make a decision. And she smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, Emilio kissed my hair and the song ended.
- Do you care to dance now with Adriana? Whispered softly on my hair.
I left and smiled approvingly.
"I have fear that if I was, I'll ruin our friendship.
"I have fear that if you stay, to ruin me.
sighed and her eyes shining left to the other side of the track. I walked toward the tables and sat down. I watched hoping that Carlos was free, to my luck I got it right in a kiss with Amanda, looked away and sighed. I would sit for a while.
I stared at my manicure, I felt a shadow hanging over me. At that time even remembered Jacob. I looked up and I was speechless. A knot formed in my throat and let out a small tear. "You came
whispered the voice caught in the knot.
"I wanted to be with you tonight," he murmured with his velvety voice.
Edward Cullen was there for me, for me, because I wanted.
-Correction: I'm here because I love you "he whispered. He extended his hand toward mine and his velvety voice kept saying the most beautiful words. And my head and my heart was a mess because I was there, and what he had to say -. Can I have this dance?
nodded blushing and discovered that the cold touch of her hand was everything I wanted in the world. I smiled.
"I'm glad to hear that.
"Get out of my head, Edward.
"I try," he murmured.
sounded another slow song, but much more romantic than they had danced with Emilio.
"I love you" I said without fear.
- Want to hear? He asked with a wry smile. I nodded, biting my lower lip. "I adore you, I love you, Mary ...
His eyes shone with an intensity that never would doubt that he was the one I needed, whom I loved, and who wanted to spend ..." Eternity
murmured - I want to spend eternity with you.
A tear ran down my face and he gently dried without losing the rhythm of our dance.
"You seem convinced. "I'm
. You're all I want and more than I need.
"You can not go back, Mary.
"I do" I said so sure I surprised myself. "Never
I had heard so convinced of something.
"Because I had never wanted anything as much as I love you.
I gave a wry smile then my lips joined. The butterflies in my stomach and small dragons flew. My hands were tied around his neck and his around my waist. Whispered "I love you" in my head, knowing he heard me. It was, by far the best kiss ever. A kiss, which were just happy and willing to be more. I was ready to feel his fangs dig into my skin, I was fully prepared to join him on the way out. In blood, poison, body and soul, although the latter may lose in the process because I knew my soul would always where he was: Edward Cullen, my dream come true. Les
I have two news: The first is that I'm back (yes, I, Robin) XD and the second is that this fic is already running uu
Many thanks to Danny and Nadia for uploading the chapters in my absence and you to remain faithful: D
I hope you enjoyed these chapters and enjoy this so it (: Besos
R obinW
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