Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Happens In Post Closing Sessions

The arnedano Setting Herce Pascual won the first prize of the school campaign 'Separate is play. Have fun '

On day 20 April 2011 will remain forever in the memory of Marco arnedano Herce Pascual. That day, the director general of Environmental Quality and Water, José María Infante , accompanied by the Councillor for the Environment arnedana, went to school 'Antonio Delgado Calvete' for delivery of the first prize school campaign 'Separate is play. Have fun. "
The winner, Marco Herce, was at that moment in class 4B, his class with his peers, when both authorities arrived to deliver the bike he had gotten as a reward. Marco, without words, was hailed by his peers and received the coveted prize for being the student got the most points won during the celebration of that year.

The contest, called "Separating is play. Have fun 'and developed by the Consortium for Water and Waste in collaboration with La Rioja Ecoembes, was conducted in 52 primary schools and involved a total of 2,354 students.
The campaign, aimed at students of 3 rd and 4 th of Education Elementary, was based on awareness of the importance of recycling of packaging from households, with special attention to those that are deposited in the yellow, and the need to cooperate actively in the process. Marco
addition two other students of the Colleges' Eladio del Campo 'in Murillo de Rio Leza and "Sancho III the Great' de Nájera have been graced with individual scooters for their participation in this campaign.

RNA more information printed in the usual points distributed on facebook and through more than 6,600 email addresses


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